Sit 'n' Knit
Regular price
Come along to our social sit 'n' knit! Bring your latest WIP's, and meet some fellow makers for some crafty banter and a good time.
Things to note:
- Sit 'n' knit session times are from 10am until 12pm on Wednesday mornings.
- Places are limited, so bookings are a must! If you can no longer attend, please let us know so that someone else can join in the fun.
- All fibrecrafts welcome, as long as they are portable/don't take up too much space
- Feel free to byo coffee + tea. But, we don't have kitchen facilities for use so please try to be self sufficient.
- We do have a wheelchair friendly bathroom. Just give us a heads up beforehand if you need wheelchair access, and we can clear an easy path to it (we have too much yarn out the back!)
- Adults and mature teens welcome. Mums with bubs are most welcome too, we just don't have room for prams.
- We won't be keeping waiting lists for spots - please keep an eye on the website for availability, particularly the morning of the session if we have had last minute cancellations.
- Spots for the next fortnight will be made available each Wednesday morning - it's first in, first served!
- We provide a positive, inclusive and welcoming space in our shop, and we expect our amazing sit 'n' knitters to do the same :)