Gift Voucher

Gift Voucher

Regular price $5.00

*Please note that we manually generate our pdf vouchers and will email you a copy during our normal store opening hours. Please check our Instagram for any changes!*


Do you have a knitter in your life but just don't know what to get them? Well, we now do digital Gift Vouchers!

  • You can nominate whatever amount you like! Just add a combo of vouchers to your cart for the amount you're after, and we will email you a nice digital voucher for the total. (For example: for a $75 voucher, just add a $5, $20 & $50 to your cart)
  • Please let us know the name of the recipient in the notes section
  • We still need to personalize these digital vouchers manually, and will email you a copy as quick as we can! Oh and if you need a physical voucher, we can do them in store!

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